Thursday, August 16, 2007

Thankfully, we no longer have the baby panda threat to fear. Pakistan president Pervez Musharraf appears to have that problem completely under control, to which I can only say, "Phew! It was close, but we dodged that bullet!"

Al Qaeda must be old news, too. After all, the preznint is on a month-long vaykay, and surely he wouldn't leave us to fend for ourselves if terrorists were a danger. Of course, he doesn't seem to care that there are 160,000 American troops sweating their brains out in 120 degree heat in Eye-rak, while he's falling off his mountain bike and posing for pictures at his ranch. Actually, there's not much he does care about, as Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson points out.

"At least now maybe people will understand what I've been saying for months, which is that Bush doesn't care what anybody else thinks. He doesn't care that the Iraqi government has failed to meet its political benchmarks. He doesn't care that Maliki is getting so cozy with the mullahs in Tehran. He doesn't care that Republicans in Washington are getting so nervous about having to face an election with the war still raging and no end in sight."
"No end in sight." Isn't that just another way of saying "no strategy," "no hope," "no clue" and "no freakin' way this guy should be on vacation while Americans are dying"? Hmmmm...I think it just might be.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Looks like the preznint's expectations for "spreading freedom" in Iraq are being exceeded. Not only did he score big time with record levels of carnage, but there's also this:
Five hundred more people were wounded, many critically. Hundreds of one-story homes and shops were destroyed.
Pretty soon, there won't be any Iraqis left to "free," and then Exxon, Chevron and BP can divvy up the oil rights and we can all go shopping. Can't hardly wait!!

Monday, August 13, 2007

C'mere ya big more for the road, 'kay? Yer gonna have to skedaddle, cuz you never nos, the Dimocrats might could find one of the u-no-wots we buryed. Corse it would prolly be by axident, since they don't seem to be doin too good on any of the 600 or so investikations they got goin awredy. But if they stumble onto sumthin, u be safer wif ur fambly. u haf a fambly, rit? i herd that sumwares... k bai, tx
ps/call me, k?

('Nother great big tip o' the hat to TW for making dreams come true!)