Saturday, August 11, 2007

Breaking: Hell Freezes Over!

Welcome! Please join us in "A Salute to the Bush Twins as They Head for Combat in Baghdad." It's going to be a short tribute, because we're fairly certain there's no way in hell either of those two will put on a uniform -- unless it's Daddy's flight suit or a Halloween costume.

But you never know. War czar Douglas Lute recently let the pootie out of the bag when he announced that reinstating the draft was "worth a look."

''I think it makes sense to certainly consider it,'' Army Lt. Gen. Douglas Lute said in an interview with National Public Radio's ''All Things Considered.''

As the New York Times noted, this was Lute's first interview since his appointment in May. Just guessing, but seems like there's a good chance that it'll be his last, too. In fact, keep an eye out for this headline:

"War Czar Lute to 'Spend More Time with Family'; Accepts Medal of Freedoms."

(big old h/t to TW for connecting the dots and to MT for the graphix)

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Yes, that would probably best, since just the thought of these two writing a CHILDREN'S BOOK is enough to send chills down anyone's spine. But it's true -- First Lady Laura Bush and daughter Jenna have agreed to "write" a picture book about a boy who doesn't like to read. (Hmmmm, wonder where they got that idea?)

Apparently, publishers are having a hard time finding quality authors. Otherwise, how can you explain why these two have been hired? Before marrying internationally renowned sociopath Georgie, Laura's claim to fame was being a Texas debutante who was never charged with a crime, even though her former boyfriend died after she ran a stop a stop sign and their cars collided.

As for daughter Jenna, she first made headlines for being arrested as a minor in possession of alcohol, and later she was caught with fake I.D. More recently, she and twin sister Barbara reportedly were asked to leave Argentina because they were ... well, just being bushies. Not surprisingly, they behaved just like daddy, and refused to leave.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Wow, being the preznit sure looks like fun. Surely the troops won't mind sweating their brains out in the Middle East's 130 degree heat, so the bush can take Afghanistan preznit Karzai for a joy ride in Golf Cart One. (Scroll down, the comments are priceless!)