Monday, August 27, 2007

Heer in Collifonya, we has roolz. One rool iz - no krazy peeples. Do not want! Nother rool iz - no old peeples. Do not want! One more rool -- all rich peeples has yats -- or big-ass boats. Whatevs.

No kidding, guvner schwarzenegger's latest state budget trashes funding for mentally ill homeless individuals, and also flipped off funding to keep seniors safe.

Making good on a promise to trim the state budget, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger eliminated a $55-million program Friday that advocates say has helped thousands of mentally ill homeless people break the costly cycle of hospitalization, jails and street life.

He also struck a $17.4-million plan to protect seniors.

But mercifully, tax cuts for those who own yachts, RVs and/or planes survived the brutal cuts:

...despite the allegedly strapped conditions of the state, legislators managed to preserve a tax break for some purchasers of yachts, planes and recreational vehicles -- a measure that could cost the state as much as $45 million.

"A $45-million tax break for yacht owners stays in the budget," Steinberg said. "And a nationally recognized, incredibly effective program to end homelessness for those living with mental illness gets thrown under the bus."

Read more about Collyfonya's compassionate conservatism here.