ain't it interestin' that it took an expose in the
Washington Post to shame the preznit into doing something about the
disgraceful conditions at Walter Reed? Maybe if he actually paid attention to those troops he says he's supporting, he would have known the conditions were atrocious. It's not like Walter Reed is way far away from the White Castle. In fact, the two are only five miles apart, about the same distance the preznit jogs every day. On his real legs.
lifted from bigdicksplace blog a good lesson
"Incoherent rambling, along with a few general thoughts.
Folks, let's get something straight, real quick.
I have no heart, no soul, and my body hovers around room temperature, so regardless of the hopeful brutality in the shot across my bow, I'll only be amused by the sender's effort. From what I've seen so far in my time on the net, even the most hateful trolls are nothing more than minor blog fodder at best.
In other words, they bother me about as much as sipping on good tequila.
The other night, I found myself doing one of the hardest things I've had to do in a while.
That was trying my best to explain to a horribly grief stricken friend how a single man, or woman for that matter, can be willing to freely give up their life for their country.
In a nutshell, it's easy.
Those of you who've had the privilege of taking this country's oath understand exactly to what I'm referring. You remember that feeling. The one which enveloped your entire body as you stood there, a bit confused and unsure. Saying those words.
You knew exactly, right then and there, what you were getting yourself into. You had every chance on the planet to walk away, but no. You didn't. You stepped right up to the plate. You chose to go down the unknown path, and quite possibly, a fatal one.
Something the most politically obnoxious have never done.
On the whole as a nation, we're nothing more than a bunch of self-serving, spoiled brats, who expect things to be freely handed to us, without the need of payment.
Well let me tell you something folks. Let me tell you about Freedom. She's that brutal fuckin' bitch who demands payment from us on a regular basis.
Do you know what these men and women give up, so you can enjoy the ability to bitch about taxes, bitch about politics, and bitch about your mundane, wasted lives?
Do you even have a hint of a clue? Trust me, unless you've been there, done that, and got the t-shirt, you really can't even begin to imagine what they go through. Just so you can be the worthless sack of shit you so strive to be.
One other thing, allow me to make a quick note to all of you cocksuckers out there who bitch about America becoming the world's police.
Fuck you, and your shitty little countries. When you can kick the United States ass in a head on battle, that's when you can talk, without sounding like a fucking moron.
Until then, pour yourself a nice hot cup of shut the fuck up.
Short rant over, now go fuck yourselves.
Labels: All politically correct pussies should fucking hang"
couldn't have said it any better myself...and that's saying a lot.
Sounds like somebody should put the tequila away and go sleep it off.
Well, after checking out LB@200mph's own home page we have new found sympathy. It's sad, no it's beyond sad.
I mean, what can you say about a guy who lives in a converted funeral parlor in Bumfuck, MO. Works in the restaurant supply business. Is in his 50's, probably divorced (at least once). Collects "things."
All his vehicles are painted the same color-burgundy no less, (a tribute to RON?) Let's see. A late model 'Vette. Not one of the newer, cool ones, but one with all that '90's design flare. A pickup truck, also burgundy, is that a hood scoop? An last, but not leas,t a "vintage" Honda Goldwing (we'll go out on a limb and call it a motorcycle) also in burgundy or "ruby" as he affectionately refers to it. Nice "custom" chrome trim! Not to mention ever-so-cool mass of red reflectors. No one's going to miss this LB coming them at 200mph!!
We could go on, but it's late.
We can only imagine what it's like for LB@200, and how hard it must be (as we're sure he's a firearm aficionado as well) every waking moment, not to just put a 45 hollow-point right below that receding hair line.
Goodnight, sleep tight soldier!
It's worth every minute of fucking with you morons just to hear your bullshit responses.
And yes, I'm a life member of the National Rifle Association and damn proud of it. And my weapon of choice is a .44 Magnum. .45's are for pansies. Come on over sometime, I'll show ya' the difference.
And as opposed to living in mommies basement, I live in a cool old house that everybody else was afraid of because it was "The Funeral Home". 6000sq ft on 1 acre for less than $80k. Try finding a bargain like that on the Left Coast.
What the post(not mine)above says, and what I believe, is that even though you're a bunch of pussy, left wing liberal assholes, if I saw you being attacked on the street, or trapped in a burning building, or about to fall off a cliff, I'd do the right thing and risk my life to try and save yours, even though I probably hate you. Wouldn't call 911, wouldn't go running for help, I'd act NOW! because I saw a fellow human being in danger. That's a concept that is way beyond your piss ant minds. It's called being an AMERICAN Man! Something you'll never be.
And my "home page" has been up for over 11 years now, and I don't see any of you geeks "sharing" your life's stories or experiences. What have you got to hide?
And, at 50+, I still have a full head of hair, a 32 inch waist with a 50 inch chest, 190+ IQ, and I can fuck all night with no help from a pill.
And what the fuck does the color of my vehicles have to do with ANYTHING? Is that all you got?
What's really sad is it took your feeble mind so long to figure out you can shut off anon posters, and you can even set up registration for posters, but if you did that, it would only be you and 3 of your friends THAT is beyond sad!
We rest our case...
"The first thing you should do when you find yourself in a hole, is stop digging." -anon
If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, Baffle them with
Hey, LB@200, don't take this the wrong way, but speaking as someone with experience in the mental health field, I hope you get professional help. It's clear from the macho posturing in your posts that you are filled with self loathing and rage, and have issues with masculinity and trust. These are common problems and a therapist can help you address them.
That said, understand that I am not replying to any more of your screeds, so if you're as smart as you say you are, you'll go elsewhere.
Speaking of mental issues....I'd say it's a case of penis envy on your side of the story. At least I never had to dig through peoples trash for a living.
And that's the second time you've said you'll not respond to my "screeds", but as you all like to say, "yet here you are".
And you people have absolutely no sense of humor.
Just think of me as the funny uncle who taught you the old "Pull my finger" trick when you were a kid. Even though you knew what was going to happen, you pulled it anyway.
We'll just consider you the Mayor of Loserville. Congratulations!
Looking at your stable of vehicles, we'd say YOU are the one with penis envy.
You might not be able to judge a book from its cover, but you sure can judge a man by what he drives...
LOL!! I guess that means you must be driving a Yugo. Still got the tricycle in the closet for backup?
You're just too much fun.
And, that's Mr. Mayor!
here...Pull My Finger...
At least we're not riding around on a bike that's the equivalant of a BarcaLounger on wheels and that looks like belongs in Mexican Cinco de Mayo or Shriners Parade! . I'm sure the folks down at the Broken Spoke in Sturgis where real impressed! Talk about "Born to Be Wild", more like Born To Lose.
lol nice fez!
Take as many 600-1000 mile non stop rides as I have, and you'd appreciate a Barco Lounger too youngin'. After over 350,000 miles on bikes, ya' learn to appreciate the finer things in life. And REAL Bikers don't care if it's a GW, HD or a freakin' Vespa, as long as it's got 2 wheels. And at 52, I find throwing 750+ lbs of bike around a dam good way to stay fit.
here's something that's more yours' and shirleys' speed
After over 350,000 miles on bikes, ya' learn to appreciate the finer things in life.
80's Burgundy Gold Wing = finer things in life...!
It's guy's like you that give our generation a bad name.
For the price I paid for it, you bet... the hell out of a 2 wheeled John Deere. Don't bother me none to let some yahoo take about a $3-6k loss on a new vehicle soon as it rolls off the showroom floor.
And if you're of "our" generation, well...I ain't the one with the problem dude.
and WTF is it with you and colors?
It's actually called Brandy Wine if you care to be correct...which I doubt given your track record of BS.
Still looks like it belongs in a Shriners Parade Unit, to each his own. It's cute the way you've got all your "rides" color coordinated...
and WHATEVER you paid for it, it was too much, even if you got it for free!
Hey, I even got a John Deere Lawn Tractor I'm thinking about painting "Burgandy"....ROTFFLMAO.
Have you ever thought of moving to West Hollywood?
Thought about it..but decided I wouldn't want to give the boys any more temptation than they already have. I'm too cute. They'd never be able to keep their hands off of me.
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